Tuesday, 11 September 2012


To wake up the consciousness of fellow human beings towards wiping out poverty, to usher in global peace by ensuring that the ownership, control and distribution of the gifts of nature and manufactured wealth are for the benefit of one and all

To be a union of scientists, technologists, social activists, ideologues, educationalists and politicians breaking the barriers of country, caste, color, creed, gender, race, language and all kinds of divide

To evolve a political philosophy, economic policy and cultural agenda for alternate society

To preserve the life systems and ecosystems on Planet Earth engaging in endless pursuit to evolve a suitable model of human development, harnessing the Nature’s bounty and human skills for the betterment of all living creatures in our galaxy

To involve in a crusade for nuclear disarmament and moral re-armament

To enrich human culture, human consciousness with a rationalist enquiry into manifold scientific discoveries and their ultimate acceptability for societies living in our galaxy

To march towards a just and equitable society upholding the principles of Annaism, enriching it in the light of evolving consciousness

To adopt the noble goals set up by Green Peace and various other environmental campaigns for the cause of peace and harmony
To work for the betterment of indigenous peoples like tribals, physically handicapped, mentally retarded, victims of genocidal wars, apartheid and gender discrimination

To run orphanages, old age homes, medical centers, educational and research institutions, training center for unemployed youth etc

To set up Aringnar Anna Rationalist University for strengthening democratic forces of a just equitable alternative society

To engage in a global campaign for upholding the democratic, civil or ecological rights of men or women from all nationalities of Mother Earth.

Founder President: N.Nandhivarman
Aringnar Anna Foundation
104 A , Annamalai Nagar, Saram
Puducherry 605013

Cell: 09244445508
email : 

Vice President: A.Vanthiyathevan M.A
Secretary: N.J.Karthikeyan B.A.B.Ed, LL.B
Treasurer: Miss V.Sundaravalli